The Online Construction Toy

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The video player is just 99% non-functional due to the lack of the video player being f**ked up.

What is Milkshake?

Milkshake is a recreation of the 2005 Roblox Beta made in the Godot game engine.

Are you affiliated with Roblox?

No. I'm just some random person that finds the Roblox Beta fascinating.

Where can I download?

Downloads are not up yet.

Is there a Discord?

Yes. Here is the link.

Cool Games
Check out some of our favorite games users made on Milkshake!
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Milkshake is not affiliated with Roblox.

This is a development build of Milkshake, a successor to GodoBlocks. Also, logo will be chaged soon!

Build Number: 12029